How to organise
your day-to-day
school routine?
How to organise
your day-to-day
school routine?
Discover how to organise your day-to-day school life by combining scribzee with different time management techniques.
Lessons, homework, revision, sports... If your day-to-day school routine is packed with all these activities and you find it hard to manage them all, don't worry. You need to learn how to get organised, and we've got just the thing to help you!
Identify the key moments that shape daily school life
Because good organisation makes all the difference, it’s essential to identify the key times that structure your day. Which activities are recurrent? What does your school timetable look like? Do you have an exam to sit at the end of the year?
Incompressible time
If we talk about “incompressible” time, it’s because it encompasses activities that are essential to our daily well-being. They cannot be neglected, such as:
– sleep.
– food.
– personal hygiene.
School time
This time includes not only your lessons, but also the time you spend on homework and daily revision. This time is very important, because it allows you to assimilate the concepts that your teacher has been talking about recently.
Time devoted to exams
This time is reserved for preparing for tests or exams. To prepare for an exam, you should always think about how often you will revise: an initial revision session on the day of learning, a second one on D+1, etc.
Relaxation time
Finally, you have to have time to relax. Yes, it’s important to study, but it’s also a good idea to take breaks while you’re revising, to devote time to your hobbies or sporting activities about three times a week to avoid mental and physical fatigue!
Drawing up a timetable based on your daily routine
Now you’ve identified the four main activities that structure your days and weeks, creating your schedule with scribzee should be child’s play. Are you ready? Let’s go!
Integrate fixed slots into your schedule
To begin with, you need to include recurring, fixed activities in your timetable, such as lesson times, homework, sleep times and meal times.
In order to stay focused on your tasks throughout the day, don’t neglect or reduce these periods. For example, scientific research shows that an adolescent (aged between 10 and 19) needs between 8 and 10 hours of sleep a day. In short, no more staying up on the computer until 3 a.m.!
Here is a typical example of how hours are divided up over a week:
– Monday to Friday: classes from 9am to 4pm.
– Monday to Friday: 2 hours of homework after school.
– 9 hours of sleep per night, 1 hour for each meal, 2 hours to get ready.
– Saturday: 4 hours of football.
To create your own schedule, you can use scribzee’s “Calendar” function. When you access the app, you have several options:
Directly from scribzee
Once you’re on the home page, you can create your schedule manually by clicking on “Calendar”. To create an event, all you have to do is tap the screen to open the ‘Create an event’ window. You can also select an existing slot to edit it. You’ll see, it’s very simple!
From an external tool
If you’ve created your schedule using another app such as Google Calendar, don’t panic. You can import events from your smartphone calendar so that they appear on scribzee. To do this, click on: Profile > Account preferences > Synchronise calendar.
If you’ve made a note of your timetable in your scribzee-compatible Oxford diary, you can scan it in via scribzee. For those who are more comfortable with paper, this is ideal!
Plan your revision with scribzee
Then you can move on to the second stage: planning your revision! These slots are for preparing the exams you’ll be taking.
Of the time slots you have left, those mornings or afternoons when you don’t have class or on weekends, choose times when you’re sure to be 100% focused.
According to scientists, mornings are the best time to revise. When you wake up, your brain is better able to absorb information because your body produces more cortisol, the hormone that helps you concentrate. In the evening, cortisol levels are halved!
– Morning: to learn the theory.
– Early afternoon: for simple tasks such as research.
– Late afternoon and evening: for revision and reading.
Now that you know when to schedule your revision sessions, you can incorporate them into your scribzee calendar. If you’ve got exams coming up, you can use the ‘Reminder’ tool to set reminders so that you don’t forget to revise your flashcards, etc.
According to Ebbinghaus’s ‘forgetting curve’, we lose more than 50% of the information we’ve learned after two days, and we retain 80% of the content of our course after six months of revision. So you might as well say that the ‘Reminder’ tool will be of great help to you!
Plan breaks and time for yourself
To complete your school timetable, all you need to do is plan some breaks and set aside time for your extra-curricular activities and hobbies. These moments are essential, as they help you to maintain your physical and mental well-being!
Example: 1 hour of sport or reading after lessons.
If you’re finding it hard to set yourself breaks during your revision, you can use the Pomodoro technique. This involves dividing your tasks into 25-minute sessions and allowing a 5-minute break between each session. It’s a great way to stay productive!
Planning time to catch up
A final word of advice: adopt a flexible approach and plan to make up time in your schedule to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.
For example, block out two hours at the weekend without associating any particular task to this time slot. You could use this time to do some a last-minute revision.
To monitor your progress and adjust your timetable accordingly, you can also use scribzee’s “Progress Status”. The app tells you which notes you still have to revise!
By combining scribzee with different time management techniques, you’ll be able to organise your school day more easily and be better equipped to meet the challenges ahead. After all, author Peter Drucker once said that “the reason for being of an organisation is to enable ordinary people to do extraordinary things”!
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