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Oxford Serpodile

Oxford Serpodile

Oxford Serpodile

The products in the Serpodile range were designed by a mother, with the help of health professionals, to meet the needs of her children with learning disabilities. The tools developed provide relief for dyspraxia and dysgraphia in particular, but are also suitable for other DYS disorders.
Within DYS disorders, there are different levels of difficulty. This is why the Serpodile method offers notebooks with different settings to meet the diverse needs of children.

Cahiers Oxford Serpodile
Logo Oxford Serpodile

The Serpodile method

Oxford’s Serpodile range is here to support your child with their learning challenges, whether it’s dyspraxia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia or ADHD. Our specially designed tools and methods promote learning by making your child’s writing, numeracy and organisation more enjoyable. Find out how we can help your child succeed with a tried and tested method.

A method developed with the help of health professionals and used by occupational therapists

DYS disorders are cognitive disorders that can affect early learning (language, gestures) and/or school learning (reading, learning, counting).
They account for 80% of learning disorders and affect up to 15% of children worldwide.

Méthode pour DYS Oxford Serpodile
Méthode pour DYS Oxford Serpodile
Cahiers Oxford Serpodile

Writing notebooks with 5 different settings to meet children’s needs.

Cahiers Oxford Serpodile

Notepads with 5 different settings.

Cahiers Oxford Serpodile

Learning and practice workbooks to guide children step by step.

Cahiers Oxford Serpodile

Calculation help: Self-adhesive addition templates to stick in the exercise book so that children can work out their calculations on their own.

Cahiers Oxford Serpodile

A diary and textbook to help children get organised.

Oxford Touch notebooks

Oxford Classic

Oxford Classic is the timeless notebook that has accompanied generations of students.
The high quality of the paper and covers will help you gain confidence and enjoy learning throughout the school year.

Oxford Color System notebooks
Compatible with scribzee

Oxford Color System

The Color System range allows you to be better organised and concentrated more thanks to coloured page frames.

Oxford Color Life Filing range

Oxford Color Life

Brighten up your organisation without compromising on quality, with the Color Life range!

Flashcard FLASH 2.0 OXford
Compatible with scribzee

Oxford Flashcards FLASH 2.0

Small question and answer cards to help you memorise all your concepts. With a coloured frame to organise your subjects.