Boost your productivity with these 5 scribzee features!
Boost your productivity with these 5 scribzee features!
We spend many hours in the workplace every day. Yet it’s not uncommon to feel like we are short out of time.
So how can we manage to focus on the essentials and feel less like we’re running out of time? Here are our tips for increasing your efficiency at work and being more productive with scribzee.
A tidy workspace makes it easier to focus on the tasks at hand. Indeed, tidying up your desk frees your mind to focus on your work 100%.
Just like a cluttered desk, it’s difficult to work when all your handwritten notes have been jotted down in different places in your notebook. According to a study conducted by the Information and Management Association, every week we spend 7.5 hours looking for information on paper or on digital.
scribzee can help you save time by scanning your OXFORD compatible handwritten notes. This allows you to group pages on the same subject together in one scan.
You can then file your scanned notes by subject in folders and sub-folders, just as you would on your computer. Choose folder titles that are clear enough so that you have no doubts about their contents.
With this tip, you won’t have to spend time scrolling through the pages of your notebook to find something! When you need to check on a project, find all your notes in order and in one place.
Have you ever been on a business trip and realised that you didn’t have the documents you needed to work on while travelling by train or plane? It’s very frustrating to wait for the trip to pass without being able to take advantage of this travel time to move forward on your tasks.
With scribzee, your notes, once scanned, go with you everywhere and are available on smartphone, computer, or tablet. The mobile application even allows you to access them in offline mode. Optimise your travel time by working wherever you are, whenever you want.
As we know, a well-prepared meeting is often a sign of increased productivity. Before your meetings, think about the topics to be discussed, get inspired and take notes. Remember to do a final review before your meeting. This way, the information will be fresh in your mind.
With scribzee, assign alerts to your important notes and don’t forget to reread them before a meeting. To go further, link your smartphone calendar with scribzee. This way, your events are imported into the application and you can associate your preparatory notes to meetings.
Ideal for finding your notes easily just before your meeting. And by familiarising yourself with the subject beforehand, you’re sure to have an efficient meeting.
What can seem like a waste of time with handwritten notes is when you have to convert them into digital format to share them. scribzee allows you to share scanned handwritten notes directly in scribzee with your contacts or via any other application of your choice.
Yes, but sometimes, before sharing notes, you need to edit them to add an important comment, remove incorrect information or a spelling mistake that was left behind. Some people will also feel more comfortable if they can format their notes by structuring them with underlined headings or highlighting important information. The web version of scribzee allows you to make changes to your notes by adding digital notes, erasing some of the text and underlining/highlighting.
Avoid wasting time recopying your notes and share your completed handwritten notes directly with your colleagues.
We take many pages of notes every day. The goal? To keep track of information and to be able to find our notes whenever we need them. Yes, but sometimes it’s harder than it looks to find a specific piece of information in the middle of many pages of notes.
With the scribzee handwriting search engine, all you have to do is enter a keyword and scribzee will find all the scanned notes in which the word is written. Your notes are found quickly and effortlessly.
Instead of spending a lot of time looking for your handwritten notes or copying them after your meetings, you can simply scan them with the scribzee application using the markers on each page of compatible Oxford products.
To find them easily, share them and modify them, simply open the application, which is accessible even in offline mode. This way, better organisation of your notes will help you save time and increase productivity.
What about you? Have you ever used scribzee to boost your productivity? Have you already tested other applications to be more efficient at work?
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